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How to Control Audible Audiobooks with Your Voice

There are a handful of voice commands that you can give Alexa when it comes to listening to your audiobooks from Audible. Here are some variations you can use to begin listening to your audiobooks. Keep in mind that you will need to own or be renting the audiobook on Audible in order to listen to it.

“Alexa, play the book [title].”

“Alexa, play the Audiobook [title].”

“Alexa, play [title] from Audible.”

You can also control your audiobook using your voice by pausing, rewinding, etc.

“Alexa, pause.”

“Alexa, resume.”

“Alexa, go back.” (This will rewind the audiobook by one paragraph.)

“Alexa, go forward.” (This will fast forward the audiobook by one paragraph.)

Alexa even recognizes individual chapters in audiobooks, so you can tell Alexa to go to a different chapter or fast forward to the next chapter.

“Alexa, next chapter.”

“Alexa, previous chapter.”

“Alexa, go to chapter number (#).”

“Alexa, go to last chapter.”

How to Play Audiobooks on the Echo from Your Phone

To play audiobooks from your phone, begin by opening up the Alexa app and tapping on the sidebar menu button in the top-left corner.

Tap on “Music & Books”.

Scroll down and tap on “Audible”.

A list of your audiobooks that you own or rent will appear in a list.

Simply tapping on one will begin playing it. If you’re in the middle of an audiobook, it will begin playing it from where you last left off.

After you’re done listening to it for now, you can go into the Audible app and finish where you left off from when you listened to it on the Echo. You’ll get a popup confirming the location you’re at in the audiobook.