Gmail’s Snooze function is handy, but the default times might not be suitable for you. Here’s how you can customize and change the snooze times.

When you use Snooze in Gmail, the default options change depending on the time of day and week, but there are three default times: morning, afternoon, and evening. These are set to 08:00 (8:00 a.m.), 13:00 (1:00 p.m.), and 18:00 (6:00 p.m.), respectively.

You can set this to any date and time manually, but it’s a bit frustrating, not to mention inefficient to do so for every email.

For example, if you use Gmail for work, you might want to snooze emails until just before your 9:30 a.m. daily team meeting. If Gmail is your personal account, you might want to snooze emails until 7:30 p.m., so they appear when you have time to read them. Whatever the reason, there’s an easy way to change the default snooze times.

If you’ve searched Gmail high and low for these defaults and come up empty-handed, there’s a good reason for that. The defaults are managed in Google Keep—Google’s note-taking app.

We’ve covered Keep before, but for now, we’re going to focus on how to change the default snooze times.

First, log into your Google account and open Google Keep. Click the Gear icon in the top-right corner, and then select “Settings.”

In the Settings panel, change the “Reminder Defaults” to the default snooze times you want, and then click “Save.”

Return to Gmail and click the Snooze button (it looks like a clock); the default times should now be those you selected.

The only downside is the default times for snoozing emails, and the Google Keep task reminders have to be the same. However, if Gmail is a critical part of your workflow, you can probably live with this.